Care and Maintenance Guides

  • Quartz countertops are also known as "engineered stone". They have many of the same characteristics of granite, but are generally more maintenance free.

    Cleaning Quartz Countertops - Quartz surfaces blend modern sophistication and timeless luxury with unbeatable strength and durability. The ever-lasting finish requires only simple and routine care to maintain its good looks. To clean quartz countertops, we recommend using warm water and a mild detergent or quality spray and wipe type cleaner in order to enjoy enduring beauty and unmatched performance for years to come. It’s important to be aware that like any other surface, Quartz can be permanently damaged if exposed to strong chemicals and solvents that can damage its physical properties. Never clean your Quartz surface with products that contain Trichloroethane or Methylene chloride, such as paint removers or strippers.

    Quartz Countertop Maintenance - Virtually maintenance-free, quartz’s hard, non-porous surfaces require no sealing to renew the luster and are simple to clean. In most cases, soap and water or a mild detergent is enough to keep your Quartz countertop looking like new. If necessary, use a non-abrasive soft soap along with a non-scratch or delicate scrub pad. Afterwards, thoroughly rinse with clean water to remove residue. Always consult the manufactures website for care and maintenance for their specific products.

  • Granite is a super tough stone that is formed from volcanic magma. Granite has earned a reputation as a great building stone. It ranges in color, but is known for how beautiful it is, especially as a countertop.

    Cleaning Granite Countertops - To keep granite countertops clean, use a microfiber cloth to dust off countertop surfaces. Wipe down the granite countertops daily and as needed using water. Once a week wipe down with a damp cloth and a stone cleaner formulated with a neutral pH. Never use harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners. They can scratch, pit, and etch the surface of the stone.

    Granite Countertop Maintenance - Granite may require some maintenance. Typically most granites only need to be sealed initially with a high quality sealer that penetrates into the stone. We have a stone cleaner available that helps to clean and protect the stone, which should be used periodically. Stains on granite can be difficult to remove, but not impossible. Granite countertops can also crack due to their natural makeup.

    Reseal the countertops when water splashed on the surface no longer beads up, or you notice other materials soaking into the stone. If there are stains or damage, contact a stone-care professional for repair.

  • Soapstone is easy to clean. Use whatever you like. There are no expensive chemical cleaners required to clean soapstone. Feeling natural? Use vinegar. Feeling rushed? Anything you’ve got will do.

  • Laminate countertops are the most common countertop you're likely to find. Laminate countertops are made from layers of paper and plastic that are laminated together to form the countertop surface.

    Cleaning Laminate Countertops - To clean laminate countertops use a clean cloth and a mild dish soap and water. Dry the countertop after washing to prevent water from pooling in the seams. Also be sure and completely rinse off any soap residue that may be on the surface. Stained areas can be treated with a baking soda paste. Mix a 3:1 ratio of baking soda and water. Spread over the stain. Let sit for 3-5 minutes before wiping away. Don't scrub the countertop because, although it's a mild abrasive, the baking soda can damage the finish of the countertop.

    WARNING: Prolonged exposure of the laminate surface to bleach will cause discoloration. Always rinse laminate surfaces after cleaning! Failure to rinse after cleaning can cause damage; even if a small amount of cleaning solution remains on the surface. A dry residue may be invisible; however, moisture from cups or drinks can reactivate it, and result in permanently etched scars or stains over time.

    A Few Notes of Caution - Acidic or abrasive cleaners can damage laminate surfaces; do not use them. Drain cleaners containing lye will permanently damage the laminate surface. If you spill a drain cleaner, wipe it up immediately and rinse several times with water. Hair, textile and food dyes can cause permanent stains. If dye should happen to spill, wipe it up immediately with dishwashing detergent or an all-purpose cleaner.

    Laminate Countertop Maintenance - No regular maintenance is usually required.

  • Wood Butcher Block - Finished countertops should be periodically oiled to prevent drying out. Nicks and scratches can be lightly sanded out and the surface re-oiled. When cleaning countertops, simply use warm water and a mild soap. Stains can be removed with a bleach solution (test a small, inconspicuous area first). To preserve the look of your countertop, always use a smaller butcher block or cutting board when cutting.